Jan 29, 2023

Requirements for Work Permit Application

See table of contents

This is only containing the list of of POSSIBLE requirements for Work Permit Application. You may or may not need some of these documents, depending on your case and situations.

You'll be given a checklist of requirements once you created an account and created an application. The only purpose of this article is IF you want to work on these requirements in advance.

If you're still waiting for the LMIA, I suggest you start working on all requirements, so you won't lose additional time working on these documents after you recive your LMIA. So work on them in advance, so you can immidiately submit your application once you receive your LMIA

Also, this is NOT the application guide. Here's the link for the application guide

Work Permit Application Guide

Requirements that takes a lot of time to complete

    • Police Clearance Certificate
      • IRCC use police certificates to check if you have a criminal record. They help make sure you are not a security risk to Canada. 
      • To make it clear, what you need is NBI Clearance from Philippines.
      • then Police Clearance from every country you stayed for 6months or more since you become 18 years of age.
    How to get a police certificate

  • Upfront Medical
    • Please note that it will cost around 10k php for a medical exam. If you're not confident that your employer will get a positive LMIA to support your application, then better not do this in advance and just wait for the result.
    • It usually takes time to get a schedule, hence you better get your schedule ASAP
    • On the other hand, you can also submit your application without your medical exam, then wait for the medical exam request. Mas matagal nga lang process pag nag intay pa kayo ng request.
    • List of approved clinics:
      • St Lukes Ermita
      • IOM Makati
      • NHSI- Baguio, Cebu, Davao
      • Nationwide Health Systems Cebu Inc.,
    Full list of Panel Physician

Personal Documents

  • Passports/Travel Documents (Multipe)
    • You must submit a legible copy of your valid travel document which you will use to travel. If you have a passport, you must provide a copy of:
      • the page that shows your birth date and country of origin, and
      • any pages with stamps, visas or markings.
      If you do not have a passport and must use another travel document, it must be issued by a government and include your:
      • name,
      • date of birth,
      • document number,
      • citizenship or residency status,
      • photo, and
      • expiry date (if applicable).
  • Digital Photo
    • Temporary residents (students, workers, visitors), Express Entry and Canadian citizenship certificate

      • The photo must show a full front view of the head and tops of shoulders, with the face in the middle of the photo.
      • Size of the head, from chin to crown, must be between 31mm and 36mm.
      • Image size: at least 420 x 540 pixels.
      • We accept JPEG or JPEG2000 format.
      • File size: approximately 240 kB, no more than 4 MB.
      • Image must be in colour (24 bits per pixel) in RGB colour space, the common output for most digital cameras.

  • Marriage License/Certificate (Otherwise called - Legal Name Change Doc. - if applicable)
    • If you were married in Canada: You must have a marriage certificate issued by the province or territory where the marriage took place.If you were married outside Canada:The marriage must be valid under the law of the country where it took place and under Canadian law.A marriage performed in an embassy or consulate must comply with the law of the host country where it took place, not the country of nationality of the embassy or consulate.
  • Legal Name Change Doc. (Could be same as Marriage Certificate or if you have any other document)
    • You indicated you have another name. You must provide information on the use of this other name (such as a letter of explanation, legal documents of a name change, etc).
  • Education (diplomas/degrees)
    • You must provide proof that you completed your post-secondary education. Examples of proof of education include a diploma and/or degree. Examples of post-secondary education are: Trade/apprenticeship 
      • Training in a specific trade, such as carpentry or auto mechanics; 
      • Training in a profession that requires formal education but not at the university level (for example, dental technician or engineering technician); or
      • Training not at the university level for which a certificate/diploma is awarded. 
      Bachelor's degree 
      • This is an academic degree awarded by a college or university to those who completed an undergraduate curriculum (also called a baccalaureate). Example: a Bachelor of Arts, Science or Education. 
      Master's degree
      • This is an academic degree awarded by a graduate school of a college or university. 
      • This is the highest university degree, usually based on at least three years of graduate studies and a thesis. Normally, you must have completed a Master's degree before a Ph.D. can be earned.
      • Please note: in our experience, we submitted this documents together with below

Employment Related Documents

  • LMIA
    • You already know what this is. Keep the copy ready as well. No need to print it out.
  • Offer of Employment
    • You must provide a job offer letter from the employer who wants to hire you.It must be printed on company letterhead, and state that you will be employed permanently in Canada by that company. The letter must specify whether the job is:
      • for continuous, paid, full-time work (at least 30 hours a week),
      • for work that is permanent and not seasonal,
      • TEER 0, 1, 2 or 3 of the 2021 National Occupational Classification (NOC)
      (Note ? in most cases, the job offer must be for a permanent job. For some types of jobs, it has to be for at least one year.)The job offer letter must include contact information for the company (address, telephone number and email address).
  • Employment Contract
    • ou must submit a written employment contract with details of your job and the conditions of your employment.To ensure there is a fair working arrangement between you and your employer, an employment contract must show that the requirements of the immigration program you are applying for are met in the agreement.The contract should outline mandatory employer-paid benefits, including:
      • job duties for each job
      • hours of work
      • wages
      • accommodation arrangements (including room and board, if applicable)
      • holiday and sick leave entitlements
      • terms of resignation or termination
      • transportation to Canada from your country of permanent residence or the country of habitual residence to the location of work in Canada
      • medical insurance coverage provided from the date of your arrival until you are eligible for provincial health insurance
      • workplace safety insurance coverage for the duration of the employment
      • all recruitment fees, including any amount payable to a third-party recruiter or agents hired by the employer that would otherwise have been charged to you
  • Proof that you meet the requirements of the Job Being Offered and/or Proof of Membership
    • If your intended occupation in Canada is regulated, provide evidence that the responsible provincial, territorial or professional body has granted you the required licence or certification.Regulated occupations are also called professions, skilled trades or apprenticeable trades.

  • Employment Reference Letter
    • You must provide an employment reference letter (an up-to-date reference from current or past employers). If you have had more than two employers in the last two years, please provide a letter from both employers.Reference letters must be written on company letterhead, show the company's full address and telephone and fax numbers, and be stamped with the company's official seal.The letter should include all of the following information:
      • the specific period of your employment with the company
      • the positions you held during the period of employment and the time spent in each position
      • full details of your main responsibilities in each position
      • your total annual salary plus benefits
      • the signature of your immediate supervisor or the personnel officer at the company
      • a business card of the person signing
  • Employment Records
    • You must provide proof of work experience for your current job and for each past position you listed. Proof must include a reference letter from your employer and pay stubs, if you have them. The reference letter must:
      • be an official document printed on company letterhead
      • include your name, the company's contact information (address, telephone number and e-mail address), the signature of your immediate
      • show all positions held while employed at the company
      • include these details: job title, duties/responsibilities, job status (if current job), the dates you worked for the company, the number of work hours per week and your annual salary plus benefits.
      You must scan all documents for this period of employment and save them as one file. (You must create a separate file for each period of employment.)
    • Please note: in our experience, we submitted this documents together with below
      • Resume
      • Work Permit/Pass in your present country of employment (if you're working outside Philippines)
  • Certificate of Qualification (You should already have this. I'm just listing it here to make sure you keep it ready)
    • In Canada, provinces and territories are in charge of education and training. This includes apprenticeships in the skilled trades. They also decide on the standards and conditions used to assess and recognize foreign credentials for certain trades.To get a certificate of qualification, the body that governs trades in a province or territory must assess your training, trade experience and skills to decide if you are eligible to write an exam to be certified.You will likely have to physically go to the province or territory to write the certification exam. You may also need an employer in Canada to give you training and work experience before you are allowed to write the exam.Because the requirements to be certified in a trade are different in each province, you should contact the provincial or territorial body for more information.
  • CV/Resume
    • A curriculum vitae or résumé is a brief description of your 
      • education; 
      • qualifications; and 
      • work experience (main duties for each job). It should also include your current job title and the city and country where you currently live.

Immigration forms

  • Immigration forms (such as imm1295e) but I better not list them all here to avoid confusion. Better check from their website or from the application page itself which ones are required in your case.

May NOT be required but an advantage to submit

  • Proof of Means of Financial Support (commonly called "show money") (IF required)
    • Temporary Residents-If you are visiting Canada, you must prove that you can support yourself and the family members who will be with you while you are in Canada. Provide as many of these documents as you can:

      • your bank statements for the past four months
      • a bank draft in convertible currency
      • pay stubs
      • an employment letter
      • proof of assets or business
      • proof of payment of tuition and accommodation fees
      • tax reports, declarations or statements
      • proof of a student/education loan from a financial institution
      • a letter from the person or institution providing you with money
      • proof of funding paid from within Canada, if you have a scholarship or are in a Canadian-funded educational program
      • proof of a Canadian bank account in your name if money has been transferred to Canada

End Note

Now that you know what are the possible documents that they'll ask, better:

  1. Make a checklist
  2. Gather them in advance
  3. Create a digital / scanned copy of each documents

This way, you are ready to go and submit your application anytime.

Hoping for the best for you!

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The information in this page is copyright protected and you can't use them for any profitable use. Please also note that I am a one man team working on this page. It may be possible that the information in this website is outdated or maybe not accurate anymore. You can find a date at the bottom right corner of the featured image. That's the date of the last update and that's the best way to tell how accurate the information in this website is. Even with that being said, I am in NO way legally licensed to give you immigration advice. Everything that is written in this website is purely based on my opinion and experience only. You are responsible for your own decisions. ALSO: I will highly appreciate it if you can help me with the updates by leaving a comment. Hope to see you in Canada!