Feb 08, 2023


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POLO, OEC and PDOS are some of the documents na hahanapin sa'yo sa airport when you leave Philippines.

What is POLO?

You must have already heard some stories about our fellow Filipino being mistreated and/or abused while working abroad. To summarize, the purpose of Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) is to protect YOU, and every OFW. To ensure that the rights of Filipinos are protected.

How can they protect you? They verify the legitimacy of the employer, and make sure that they are capable of keeping you safe during your employment. Not to mention, they also check for their capability to pay you as per contract.

To simplify the procedure, what needs to be done is for the Employer to apply for POLO Employment Contract Verification, which then you'll need in applying for an OEC. You'll be asked by the Immigration Officer to show your OEC, before you can enter the departure area sa airport and bago ka makalipad palabas ng Pilipinas.

If you're coming from another country aside from the Philippines, then hindi mo na kailangan ng POLO and OEC kasi sa Pilipinas lang hinahanap yan bago ka makalabas ng bansa.

With that being said, you can have your Job Contract, your visa stamped and everything else ready, but once you've come to any airport in the Philippines, PERO wala kang maipakitang OEC. Hinding hindi ka makakasakay sa eroplano.

Again, every Filipino leaving the country for work purposes needs POLO and OEC. BUT if you're hired via agency, then this is not so much of a concern for you dahil si agency na ang mag aasikaso nito for you. All you need to do is to make sure you have them when you come to the airport.

On the otherhand, if you're directly hired, then you should really pay attention and be familiar with the process because you might need to do the application yourself.

How to Apply for Verification of Employment Contract?

As I mentioned before, it is the employer's responsibility to apply for POLO Verification. If they need the guide, you can share below links to your employer. Whichever covers your area.

POLO Toronto covers the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Prince Edward Island, New Foundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Nunavut.  

POLO Verification - Toronto

POLO Vancouver's jurisdiction covers the 5 Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Yukon, Northwest Territories, Alberta, and Saskatchewan.

POLO Verification - Vancouver


You have an option to submit documents through in-person drop offs between 10AM-3PM or through courier mail. 

*Your employer or representative can submit the documents.


  • Employment Contract
  • Addendum
  • Photocopy of the visa, passport, work permit, LMIA
  • Employer’s Profile
  • Photocopy of the ID of the employer
  • Affidavit of Undertaking (Sinumpaang Salaysay)

It's possible that I have missed some requirements. Better check the website to be sure.

Note: All Documents must be submitted in two copies (one original and one Photocopy)

Applications which REQUIRE POLO Verification

POEA Registration/Accreditation of Canadian Employers hiring Filipino workers under the following JOB CATEGORIES:

  • Professional and Skilled Workers 
  • Intermediate and Labor Job/Agriculture Sector
  • In-Home Caregivers

Employer don't know how or do not want to apply for POLO Verification

I'm not really sure how likely your employer is already familiar with this process and/or if they're willing to apply for one when they find out. So if for some reason, your employer can't or doesn't want to apply for POLO Verification, you still have three options, as long they are willing to provide the documents.

First option, but actually the ONLY option if your job falls into low skill category, is to connect with an agency sa Pilipinas to process the POLO Verification and OEC for you. At the moment of writing, I'm still searching for the list but if you urgently need it, you can try and search it yourself or ask the agencies in this list if they can help you out. Click here to see the List of POEA-licensed recruitment agencies for Canada.

UPDATE: You may try contacting this agency:

    • 1251 Mezzanine Flr. David Salon Bldg. Cardona St. Poblacion Makati City
    • Tel#: +632-511 9994 / 511 9943
    • Email : filhrmanpower.makati@gmail.com
    • filhrmanpower1.makati@gmail.com
    • filhr.canada@gmail.com
    • newzealandjobs@gmail.com
    • Look for Ms. Roda

Second option is to hire an immigration consultant. If you applied a work permit through a consultant on the first place, then your consultant should be more than willing to help you out. If you did your work permit application by yourself, then better connect with a consultant.

Last option is if you have relatives or friends that are already in Canada. They can help you out and submit the requirements to POLO for verification. ON BEHALF OF THE EMPLOYER.

In summary, you'll need help from either an agency, consultant or friends for POLO Verification if your employer don't do it. After you receive the verification, then the next thing to do is to apply for OEC

BONUS TIP: It doesn't work all the time but if you're in a hurry and want to fly to Canada ASAP, then maybe you can consider this. One of the requirements for POLO Verification is the VISA. In some cases, the verification can still be done while waiting for your visa, kahit hindi pa narereceive. On the other hand, if it will cost you more to just try, better wait for your visa na lang. I repeat, hindi laging guaranteed na pwede nang magpaverifiy ng wala ka pang Visa.

How to apply for OEC?

After your employer receives the POLO Verification, then the next step for you is to get an OEC

How to get OEC Online Appointment

Once you've taken care of your OEC, then it's time to take PDOS. Doesn't matter kung alin mauna.

Online PDOS for Filipino Immigrants to CANADA

In Summary

To better understand who needs POLO Verification and OEC, just remember this:

Before you can apply for OEC, you will need POLO Verification from the Employer

Frequently Asked Questions

Do OWP holder also need POLO & OEC? Cause I don't have an employer yet.

You are leaving PH without an employer, hence it's only normal that you can't get POLO and OEC. Besides, your main purpose of leaving is to join your spouse. The key is explaining this to the Immigration Officer

I am leaving PH as a permanent residence of Canada. Do I also need POLO & OEC?

Permanent Residence and Canadian Citizen won't need OEC to leave PH.

Is it possible to get OEC without a verified contract?

A verified employment contract is the most important requirement for the issuance of an OEC. Only the POLO or the POEA can provide verification services.

I already have my passport stamped. Can I fly to Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan or any other country first, and then fly to Canada from there? Para maiwasan ang POLO/OEC.

Once you have your passport stamped with visa, hindi ka makakalampas ng immigration sa departure ng walang OEC.

If you want to avoid POLO Verification and OEC, what you need to do is to get your passport stamped outside the Philippines and fly to Canada from there.

I am residing outside the Philippines. My visa was approved and i have my passport stamped. Pwede bang umuwi muna?

Yes. There's no one restricting you from going home, BUT please do note na you will need an OEC before you can depart from the Philippines.

If ayaw mong mag POLO Verification and OEC. Wag ka na lang muna umuwi.

Can I get an OEC without OWWA membership?

No. You'll need an active OWWA membership when applying for OEC.

Questions asked before:

May working visa po ako na intra company transfer. And exempted po sya sa pagkuha ng OEC. Do I still need POLO and PDOS?

You don't need OEC for intracompany transfer as per below. Please print out a copy and show to the immigration officer kasi madami pa rin nalilito to IO.

My employer told me that we got rejected by POLO toronto. Ang reason daw po is hindi daw po ako capable sa work. Ano po kaya ang pwede ko gawin?

Apply ng POLO through agency.

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© Filipino Aspirants All Rights Reserved 2023

The information in this page is copyright protected and you can't use them for any profitable use. Please also note that I am a one man team working on this page. It may be possible that the information in this website is outdated or maybe not accurate anymore. You can find a date at the bottom right corner of the featured image. That's the date of the last update and that's the best way to tell how accurate the information in this website is. Even with that being said, I am in NO way legally licensed to give you immigration advice. Everything that is written in this website is purely based on my opinion and experience only. You are responsible for your own decisions. ALSO: I will highly appreciate it if you can help me with the updates by leaving a comment. Hope to see you in Canada!