Jun 23, 2024


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First of all, we can NOT do LEGIT CHECKING for you! Why? Because we can be wrong as well.

If we say it's LEGIT but it turns out to be a SCAM, then we can NOT and we do NOT want to be held responsible for your loss.

If we say it's a SCAM but it turns out to be LEGIT, then:

  • The concerned agency, consultant or company CAN take legal actions against us. We can literally end up in jail or pay them a hefty sum of money for the intellectual damage.
  • You are losing the said opportunity since it is discouraging to proceed when we call it a scam.

Aside from these two obvious reasons above, our group is more focused on D.I.Y. aspirants. With that being said, we may give an exemption (no guarantee), and help you out from time to time to check whether your job offer is legit or not. But we'll no longer accommodate legit checks for agency, consultant or recruiter.

So please try to understand that it's not worth the risk for us to go through the trouble. ⁠BUT nevertheless, we still care for your safety, so the best thing to do is learn how to recognize a SCAM yourself. Learning how to recognize a SCAM won't only benefit you in your application to Canada but would also benefit you in real life as well.

Don't be scared if there's nothing to lose!

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

If they’ve scheduled for an interview, attend it since there’s nothing to lose in attending an interview. Let me know if I am wrong.

In fact, I would also like to recommend that you attend as much interview as possible. It will help you to improve your English skills when you talk to native speakers. In addition, you’ll also gain better understanding on what’s the usual questions in an interview and if you don’t get the job, at least you get to practice. You'll also get to know the recruiter or employer better. And that's also better for you to assess if they are SCAMMERS or NOT.

With that being said, STOP asking the group for legit checks every time you receive a reply. Go ahead and assess the situation yourself. If there’s no money involved, then there’s nothing to lose as well.

Some of you might argue, "It’s still a waste of time if it turns out to be a scam.”

You’re not wasting time. In fact, your time is invested to learning.

How to identify a Scam

if it is already obvious that it is a SCAM, don't be too desperate! Kung alam mo nang niloloko ka, wag ka nang umasa. Yes, also applicable in your love life. kaya mas maganda pong kayo mismo ang matuto maka recognize ng SCAM dahil hindi lang sa application to Canada ginagamit.

Common Red Flags:
    • Sorry, I really don't mean to sound racist pero ang daming scammer na ganyan mo sila madedescribe. Raise your suspicion pero hindi ko kayang directly sabihin na SCAM na agad. There are Indians naman na very professional and legit. So again, just raise your suspicion and look for other red flags.
    • If they are based in Canada, it's questionable why they are asking for payment in American Dollar
    • If they are based in Canada, it's questionable why their mode of payment is so unprofessional.
    • We have group member who asked for legit checks and medyo nagpapabola na rin siguro talaga kasi the recruiter is commenting on her looks, on how beautiful the applicant is. Companies do have policies in place that don't allow unbiased hiring based on appearances.
    • They'll create made up scenarios where you need to make an urgent payment.
      • Like your visa has been refused and you need to make payment so they can take action immediately
      • Or there's an urgent job opening that you don't want to miss
      • Or your relative is in some kind of trouble

    • it may be via whatsapp, viber or fb messenger.
    • Recruiters and employers are usually busy. So busy that they won't allow anyone to communicate with them directly via chat.
    • Specially if there are lots of applicants applying for the job opening, NO employer or recruiter would bother chatting with each and everyone one of the applicants. Won't even bother with one.
    • This method of communication is also very unproffesional
    • If they hire you without even meeting you, then pinapadali lang talaga nila para sayo na magbayad ka sa kanila
    • If the offer is too good to be true, then it probably isn't
    • I always use this website to know what the ra range of salary in Canada is.

Find out the average salary is for your position

    • Kahit anung legit pa nang company, giving out your credit card details is never secured. They can use you credit card even after the agreement. Kahit may mga nakaexperience na and it went well, again, giving out your credit card details is NEVER SECURED. Maraming other secured options.

    • If you are paying them for their service, you definitely need a contract before the payment. Failed to provide a contract is waving BIG RED flag.
    • Also, kahit legit sila, tapos may hindi sila sinunod sa agreement nyo, then may laban ka.

Please take note: These are called "RED FLAGS" for a reason. if they have one reflag, then it doesn't mean they are instantly scammers. Just raise your suspicion. If they have multiple strong red flags, then definitely stay away.

If you are NOT confident to work with them and you're NOT sure whether they are legit or not. Better NOT proceed. It's never worth the risk to lose that hard earned money. Hindi biro ung hinihingi nila at laging napakalaking halaga. If they are LEGIT, it's their loss for having those red flags, NOT YOUR LOSS.

Once money is involved

When money is involved, best way to recognize if it is a scam or not, is to ask them to break down the fees.

Breakdown meaning, saan gagastusin. How much is the government and application fees, how much is their service/retainer fee, then compare it with the actual fees sa official website ng Canada.

IRCC Fee List

AGAIN, Ignore them if sa tingin mo scam. Wag mo na ipalegit check. MOST LIKELY SCAM TALAGA. Even if it is not, better not risk it kasi mahirap kitain ulit ung ganung kalaking pera.


You can also use google search

Just type as follows and you'll have some results

Of course, the sample above is edited. We can't use a real company name for this purpose to avoid conflict with any of them. It's just to show you what to type in google.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Legit po ang *insert consultant name*?

Read our guide so you can learn how to check it yourself.

Question: Legit po ang *insert agency name*?

Read our guide so you can learn how to check it yourself.

Question: Pwede po bang pa legit check nito? Thank you in advance!

Read our guide so you can learn how to check it yourself.


Read our guide so you can learn how to check it yourself.

Nakakaloko ba ung FAQs natin? True story po yan, kahit ilang ulit sabihin, ang kukulit, mayat maya pa ring ang daming magtatanong 🤣🤣🤣

Here's the link to the real FAQS

Frequently Asked Questions

You may be intertested in these two other guides related to this topic.

  1. Hiring A Consultant? Here's what you need to know
  2. Checking if the Consultant is Legit

I hope this guide has been helpful for you to learn how to recognize
a scam. Please consider supporting our website so we can continue to write more.

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I want to do this for as long as I can! Your support in buying me a coffee can help me achieve this and help more people.

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© Filipino Aspirants All Rights Reserved 2023

The information in this page is copyright protected and you can't use them for any profitable use. Please also note that I am a one man team working on this page. It may be possible that the information in this website is outdated or maybe not accurate anymore. You can find a date at the bottom right corner of the featured image. That's the date of the last update and that's the best way to tell how accurate the information in this website is. Even with that being said, I am in NO way legally licensed to give you immigration advice. Everything that is written in this website is purely based on my opinion and experience only. You are responsible for your own decisions. ALSO: I will highly appreciate it if you can help me with the updates by leaving a comment. Hope to see you in Canada!